I Am, You Are,
We Are One!

Angelic Gate ~ documenting and exploring the lessons of Joseph Crane given to him by the Angel Michael and a list of other holy hosts Since 1995. In 1995 Joe Crane was visited by a messenger of God. After answering a call this Angel showed up in the physical form and has instructed Joe in the ways of healing. He first instructed Joe to "Gather Seven Masters and Teach them to Teach". Joe agreed to do so and has met several Angels over the years.

Within the pages of this site you will find lessons given from God by way of the Angelic Realm.

To the left listed are the pages we have constructed with the information. The main thing about the work that has been brought by the Angels is, this is a get too not a have too. Anyone and Everyone no matter what you think feel believe or remember is invited to participate. Be sure to check out the Latest Angel Visit from May 26, 2024.

The Teachings are gentle and easy to understand. This work is designed for you the Master. To help you remember who you are, and what is possible. The Angels have told us we can create Heaven on Earth and have given the ways to do just that. The recipe we have been given in these pages will unlock the Gates to Eden in our time.

Check out our events page for teachings near you. Events Page .

Now Available "Masters Oil Kit" Order yours today!***

Bless your heart!
Dave Savedra

Blessings Gifts and Deeds
(The Beginning)

1997/1998 ~ 1999/2000 ~ 2001 ~ 2002 ~ 2003 ~ 2004 ~ 2005 ~ 2006 ~ 2007 ~ 2008 ~ 2009 ~ 2010 ~ 2011

The Seven Gifts(Churches/Tribes/Clans)


Laminar Crystal Stars
Water Stars!
Check it out!

Tuning Forks ~ Angelic Oils :: Cosmic Lightning
:: Books & Manuals :: CD's & Gate Stones:: Laminar Crystal

Video: Theres an angel watching you!
By Barry Goldstein,
Check out Barry Goldstein's new album "Shine" on ITunes

    Tools For Wellness

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Bless Your Heart!

2003-24 Angelic Gate
Until 144,000 are Gathered