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Angel Visits 2022

September Visit 2022

I woke up this morning, got dressed, and came out and got my 1st cup of coffee. I took Ellie out to go to the bathroom and for her to get a drink out of the pond. That's kind of my morning ritual. After she's done, she comes up on the porch and lays down while I have my morning smoke. She waits for me to finish and then gets up and follows me into the house through the dog door. She always waits for me but today was different. She got up, looked at the dog door and was very excited to get inside. She only does that when Gabby comes over but Gabby wasn't coming over today. So I wondered what she got so excited about. I finished my smoke and went inside to see what she was up to. I opened the door, went inside and looked in the office. What a sight to see! Ellie was sitting on the floor and Michael was standing over her. I almost felt like they were communicating. So I broke it up by saying, “Well it is about time you showed up, we need to talk.”

Michael... From the tone in your voice you seem to be upset.

Upset would be an understatement. I spent a whole year putting the conference together. You told us we if we had 222 masters standing in the grand formation we could make a major change in the world. So, we end up with a little over 70 masters showing up but I was really hoping we would've hit the number and change everything in the world.

Michael... Joe you did what you were asked to do. You created a space to hold the number of people you were asked to stand in the grand formation. You were not asked to get the people there. All you were to do was to find the space and you did that.

So, I got the space and people showed up but it gets even better. When it came time to do the gatherings, there was one of the masters who said that they needed to read Blessings, Gifts, and Deeds and do the baptism before being gathered. I know when you first gave us the OK to do a gathering at the conference, it was to help those people who couldn't get gathered because no one was doing gatherings. So I need a little clarity here. How do I stop the bickering?

Michael... At the time you asked me about gathering people at the conference that weren't gathered, it was because they couldn't find anyone doing gatherings. You were given a way to help these people because it wasn't their fault. However, in your asking you created a double-edged sword. One edge serves the ones that haven't been gathered. However, the other edge takes away from the masters one of the greatest gifts, the privilege to gather their own masters and teach them. You will no longer do gatherings at the conference. This privilege is only given to the ones that have already been gathered.

Well I guess that takes care of that and I think it's time for the masters who have been gathered to start doing gatherings again on their own. I've got something else for you. It takes me about 15 hours to get to Denver or Atlanta and some of the other places. To tell you the truth, I'm just too old for these long drives and flying is out because I don't fly anymore.

Michael... I I know you'd like to move the conference around to make it more accessible to others. You are the one that chooses where the conference will be held. Choose a place closer to you.

Now why didn't I think of that. I know just the place. I'll give them a call and see if I can get it reserved for us. As long as we're clearing the air, I got something else. In the hotel where we had the last conference, somebody had Covid and I caught it. It took me almost 3 weeks before
I could do anything but sleep and go to the bathroom and then back to sleep. But the good news is I didn't end up in the hospital, on a respirator or worse, being dead. I know it's my own fault because I didn't wear a mask or take any precautions. I guess I thought I was impervious to it. The thing that I hated the most about it was I didn't have any energy throughout the first few weeks and I'm still not 100%. With all the bad luck surrounding this last conference, truth I was
about ready to say screw the whole thing, I'm done. So, I figure I'll give it another shot. I guess all I need to do now is find a place to get started putting together the conference for this coming June.

Michael... Our time is done for now I will speak with you again once you find a place for your conference. Be at peace and teach only love.

Like so many times before, I watched the ball of light fade and Michael was gone. I see I need to get started on having a conference this June. There is a lot of work to do to get ready for this so I'm going to start making calls on Monday to find a place. I will get this visit out right now and on to the webpage.

Bless your heart,


March 6, 2022 Visit

I was awakened by hearing my name called. I rolled over and said out loud, "Give me five more minutes.” I tried that with my mother when I was a little kid. It didn't work with her and it didn't work with Michael because he called my name again.

Michael...Arise, we need to speak.

"Ok,” I said and started getting out of bed. I put on my jeans and headed out of the bedroom. As looked toward the office, I saw Michael standing in the gate. The light that always surrounds him when he shows up was filling the office. As always, it is a sight to behold. spoke first and said to Michael, "Ok, you got me up. What's on the agenda?"

Michael...I have not come to speak with you for you have had a lot going on with you and your life. It is wise to separate yourself from the business. That way you can be more about the spiritual aspects of what you teach. It was also good that you named your new business in honor of your teacher, Alexander.

I think so too. Alexander played a big part in my spiritual growth so I did this to honor him. When I went to register this current business as an LLC, I was running through all kinds of names for it. However, I decided to call it Love, Life and Light out of my respect for him. He used to say that all the time as, "Let love move through your life that you become a light to the world." I thought that would be just perfect. Besides, I wanted to separate me, the person, from the business aspect of this with all the products that are offered. Not to mention, this will separate my personal from
the business taxes. That should make it easier to keep track of finances. Well, that's enough on that. Let's talk about something else. One of the masters was talking to me about reaching the number of 222 and they had a question. Now given everything that's going on in the world with the war in the Ukraine and the Russians, they wanted to know if we had reached 222 attendees at the earlier
Conferences would this war be happening today?

Michael...Do you remember when Moses was trapped at the Red Sea and the Pharaoh’s army was coming up on them? I say to you what God said to him.

Joe: Yes, I remember the story. Moses told Him, "You gotta help us out here" and God replied, essentially saying, “Why are you shouting at me? I gave this to Adam, I gave this to Noah, and I give this to you. Just get up with your people and go," and the waters split. So what you're telling me is that it's up to us to do what is needed to raise the vibration and create change. I hear that, but had we reached
the 222 earlier, would the events of today be happening?



Michael...NO. You have to realize that the number 222 is a sacred number when you come together to raise the vibration and bring in the light of wisdom and compassion. When the masters fall short of the number, the vibrations will still rise, yet they are not strong enough to bring to create the desired result.

What you're talking about is what we refer to as critical mass. That means that no matter how close you get to the number, it won't make that big of a difference until you reach the 222, which is critical mass. Once that happens, everything will change. I guess you could say it's like trying to boil water. Water boils at 212 degrees, not 112 or 175 degrees, but at 212 degrees when it reaches critical
mass. So basically, what you're telling me is we've been able to get the water hot, but we haven't been able to make it boil.


Michael....That is a good example. You have a way of putting things in perspective to get the message across to people. There is something else I wish to speak to you of. In the past, I have spoken to you saying "Blessed are the Masters.” However, I have come to see that the Masters really don't understand that they are blessed. At this year's Conference, you will be doing the Master's Blessing for the Masters that are there so that they truly begin to know how powerful and blessed they are. I will give this blessing from our kind to your kind. You will need to set aside time to give out this blessing to the Masters. When our time is done, I will give you the
blessing that you are to give. However, you will not say it or give it to anyone until the Conference.

Michael showed me how to do the blessing and I want to say that after I heard it, that all I could think of was, "Wow, this is powerful." I have one more question to ask that came from another of the Masters. He wanted me to ask that if we are called "Masters,” then why are the angels not called "Masters" or referred to as “Masters"?

Michael...That's an easy one to answer. We are angels. The will of God. Therefore, we have nothing to master. However, your kind has free will and they need to master themselves. Our time is done for now. I will speak with you again soon. Be at peace and teach only love.

Once again, I watched as Michael folded back into the light. I must say, I get a kick out of him doing this and it doesn't matter how many times I see him do this, it's still a hoot to me.

Be at peace and teach only love,

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