Spiritual Principals
13 Principles of a Master
There is wisdom in each of the principles of a master. The 13 principles of a master are set along spiritual lines to assist a master in living a richer, fuller life. They are also a set of actions that give the master things to do in life. They are about each person living his or her own life fully rather than being about who others are and trying to fix them. The beauty of this system is that when you live your life by these principles, not only will your perceptions of reality be altered; reality itself will be altered around you. This can also be expressed as, "As a man thinketh, so shall he be."
As a master, I accept God’s love for me, and now I am in God’s care.
As a master, I align myself with the spiritual principles set forth in the Book of Bricks.
As a master, I honor and respect my gifts and the gifts of other masters.
As a master, I teach only love.
As a master, I am ever vigilant of my traps and not the traps of other masters.
As a master, I examine on a daily basis my participation with my gifts and traps.
As a master, I will be watchful for my selfishness and ego.
As a master, I carry the message to all who would seek it.
As a master, I deny no one healing or teaching because of my feelings for or about him or her.
As a master, I receive fair compensation for the teaching, healing, and work I create.
As a master, I render a seventh to wherever I receive spiritual nourishment or did profit from the work of another.
As a master, I set aside time to commune with God in prayer or meditation.
As a master, I am forever striving to grow as a person and a useful servant of God.
The above paragraph is an excerpt from page 69 of Teaching the Masters by Joseph Crane, DD, PhD.