Book of Deeds
That this leg may stand on solid ground and your deeds begin, thrice blessed are you who take this third leg to heart. You have blessed and you have given. Take that which needs to be done and do it yourself. Say: "I am a child of God. My heart beats to do God’s will for his children and me. This I can do, for God has made me perfect, whole and complete. I am made in God’s own image and likeness. Therefore I am all I need to be and the works I do now anchor fast this leg."
The work that is done in your name is blessed. The work that is done by your name and your money is twice blessed. The work that is done by your hand is thrice blessed. When you see a need to be filled, you first feel it in your heart. Then you are moved emotionally with the desire to have it not be so. Your mind will search for a way to it otherwise. Then you take to task this need and with your hands you fill this need. There is no deed so small that it does not make a brick. Woe unto you who do this only so a brick is added to your mansion. This is done in vain, for no brick is made.
I, by my hand, end the pain of a child. THREE BRICKS ARE MADE.
I, by my hand, dry the eyes of a man or woman. THREE BRICKS ARE MADE.
I, by my hand, soothe the anger and rage. THREE BRICKS ARE MADE.
I, by my hand, lead the blind through darkness. THREE BRICKS ARE MADE.
I, by my hand, speak the music of the deaf that they might hear. THREE BRICKS ARE MADE.
I, by my hand, hear the voice of the speechless that they may sing. THREE BRICKS ARE MADE.
I, by my hand, bind up the lame that they may travel their path and dance through life. THREE BRICKS ARE MADE.
I, by my hand, give comfort to the ill that they may have health. THREE BRICKS ARE MADE.
I, by my hand, open the eyes of all to see beauty, that none will shun away from the disfigured. THREE BRICKS ARE MADE.
I, by my hand, raise up the poor that they may make their own way and have abundant lives. THREE BRICKS ARE MADE.
I, by my hand, feed the hungry so they will learn to feed themselves. THREE BRICKS ARE MADE.
I, by my hand, dress the naked and those in rags with clean clothes, that they will clothe themselves. THREE BRICKS ARE MADE.
I, by my hand, build shelter with the homeless, that they will build shelter for themselves. THREE BRICKS ARE MADE.
I, by my hand, bring the tactility of love to replace the numbness in the drunkard or the addict, that they might feel the joy of life and release their pain. THREE BRICKS ARE MADE.
I, by my hand, remove the clouds of darkness, so the dim of wit will see they too have a place of importance. THREE BRICKS ARE MADE.
I, by my hand, hold those who commit a crime responsible to repay that which was taken, and they are forgiven that which is paid. THREE BRICKS ARE MADE.
I, by my hand, will make straight that which I have made crooked through mistake or knowledge, for I am honest. THREE BRICKS ARE MADE.
I, by my hand, give care and see to the well-being of children, that they may pass through childhood unmolested by word or action. THREE BRICKS ARE MADE.
I, by my hand, will make way for those who need a passage, be they young or old. THREE BRICKS ARE MADE.
I, by my hand, will not allow a life to be taken nor will I allow a life to be prolonged to suit my purpose. THREE BRICKS ARE MADE.
I, by my hand, will hold up to greatness those who have been belittled. THREE BRICKS ARE MADE.
I, by my hand, will not take the life of an animal nor will I prolong it to suit my purpose. THREE BRICKS ARE MADE.
I, by my hand, will open my house and heart to an animal. I will care for its needs and love it as if it were my child. THREE BRICKS ARE MADE.
I, by my hand, will only build that which does not destroy the sanctuary of animals in the wild. THREE BRICKS ARE MADE.
I, by my hand, will set my table with food that does not run red with blood. THREE BRICKS ARE MADE.
Let not a day pass that a deed has not been done. Open your arms to the world around you. Find in all things a deed that you might do. God does for you more than you will ever know. Should you not do the same? Should not your deeds be given as freely? Think you not that what you do makes little difference, or that it is an insignificant act. For I tell you truly no deed is so small that it will not be returned to you unto the nth degree.
Carry this book with you. When you know not what to do, it will guide you. As a builders manual gives you the measurements of work to be done on the straight and level, so does this book give you measurements to live your life, that it may be straight and level. Go you now into the world and teach only love for God is with you all.