Sacred Healing Oils
Over the centuries essential oils have been used for various things from anointing in religious ceremonies, healing the body or for perfume. Living essential oils raise the vibrations of the body to bring the frequency of the body to a healing state.
Oil use in healing has been dated to over 5000 years ago. Egyptians were the utmost experts on the usage of oils for healing. Over 80 scrolls of information have been documented on the healing benefits Egyptians discovered.
The human body vibrates at or about 62-78 htz. When the vibration of the body drops to 59 htz cold symptoms show up, at 57 htz flu symptoms. At 55 htz yeast infection. At 42 htz cancer begins to show up, below that invasion of the body starts. Now with this information being what it is, it makes sense to raise our vibrations when illness or dis-ease shows up.
Angelic oils are blends of oils that have been made in a certain way. They have been made with the highest quality essential oils available. They are placed in their containers with a blessing. The oils are laid to rest for a certain amount of time in a sacred place, then awakened with a blessing. By using the sacred oils from the angels you can raise your vibration to a high frequency to allow for healing to take place.
Joseph Crane has received and shared information from the angels to make sacred healing and anointing oils used to raise our vibrations to promote healing. Along with the information of the Seven Gifts we are to the world, the angels have given us the oils of the seven churches. Along with the seven churches there are the hierarchy of the angelic realm. We have come to know these as the oils of I AM. Additionally, there are Helper Oils that have been given with several of the angelic messages and the Seven Keys, as a way to assist us in our healing and the contiunual raise in our vibration and consciousness.