Philadelphia (Blue)

"To the church of Philadelphia, God said to open the gates of wisdom, and they heard it not."

Philadelphia is the fifth church. This church is male in nature with the gift of passionate wisdom. Knowledge is the driving force of this church as a gift to all God's children. Teaching is as the very air they breathe. These are the ones that hold the keys of wisdom that unlock the gates to let in the light. They are aware of body, mind, emotions and spirit and are in touch with both female and male aspects for themselves. They love all God's children equally, setting none higher or lower than the other. The trap for those of this church is the loss of any of the four-fold natures given to all human kind. When the balance is gone the giver cannot give and the teacher will not teach wisdom. The escape from this trap lies in the gift of the wisdom and love given back to themselves.

Philadelphia is the church of the teacher. Those of this church are the keepers of the gates of wisdom and their personal love is one of giving. They are one with Christ consciousness and they are perfectly balanced in the male and female. Of all the churches they are the most balanced in the body, mind, emotions and spirit. The color vibrating with their essence is blue. Their day of the week is Thursday.

Smyrna :: Ephesus :: Pergamum :: Sardis :: Philadelphia :: Thyatira :: Laodicea

©Angel Gate Creations and DR Joseph Crane,
DD, Ph.D. This information is intended for personal use only
and may be shared freely in its entirety.
Any other use must have written permission
from the author granted prior to its use.

Email Dave & Brian 3675